BetonStyr EPS insulating panels

Insulating systems with Betonstyr EPS

Coupled panels made with high density cement bonded particle boards 1350 Kg/m³ and an insulating expanded polystyrene type EPS with density equal to 20 Kg/m³.
The Betonstyr EPS coupled panels are excellent for dry and walkable roof and floor's insulation that require a high mass due to thermal displacement, noise reduction and moisture/humid resistance. The external panel is composed of high density cement bonded particle board (1350 Kg/m³), with high compressive strength equal to 9000 kPa and fire reaction certified in class A2. The insulating panel, made with expanded polystyrene EPS, has a low density of 20 Kg/m³, is highly insulating, breathable, and certified CE.

Betonstyr eps panel is an insulating material extremely versatile because it is suitable for many building solutions; the advantages of two materials are combined in a single coupled: on the one hand, a material with a high mass and high compressive strength, the high-density BetonWood cement bonded particle board, essential for obtaining an adequate thermal displacement and great noise reduction, from the another is a panel in expanded polystyrene characterized by lightness, high insulating capacity and ease of processing. Both materials are of excellent quality, processed with the most advanced technologies, subjected to strict process controls, CE marked.

The insulating panel Betonstyr eps is produced throught the coupling of two panels: one of these are made with BetonWood cement bonded particle boards which have a high density equal to 1350 Kg/m³ and a high compression strenght (9000 kPa), it is realized with Portland cement and debarked pine wood fibers; the other one is made with expanded polystyrene EPS, highly insulating both from a thermal and acoustic point of view, it is also suitable for humid environment.

Betonstyr EPS is suitable for any use, in the field of thermal insulation and is particularly suitable for all cases in which there is a strong moisture component and the need for a material with considerable compressive strength.
In particular it is used as:

• tradidional and elevated floor's insulation;
• thermal bridges corrections;
• external and internal thermal insulating composite systems;
• disposable formworks;
• reverse roofs;
• insulating systems for window frames, in particular for the insulation of roller shutter boxes;
• dry floors and radiant heating floors.

If you are interested in this type of solution, we recommend that you take a look at our other coupled products in the section Coupled panels.

The BetonWood cement bonded particle board is also made exclusively with wood from controlled forests in compliance with the FSC directives (Forest Stewardship Declaration).

The cement bonded particle board has so many advantages, including:

• very high compression resistance;
• high resistance to climate change and frost;
• insects and fungi are unable to attack or damage it;
• thanks to its physical and mechanical characteristics, the product is considered one of the best materials for light weight constructions;
• incombustible (A2 according to the DIN 4102 Standard);
• free of formaldehyde and free of asbestos, asbestos etc .;
• free of recycled inks (present in materials with recycled cellulose);
• resistant to atmospheric agents;
• workable with wooden tools;
• high flow rate;
• recyclable, ecological, respects the environment;
• construction material tested and authorized according to the European standards in force.

The expanded polystyrene EPS panels are characterized by:

• very effective protection against the summer heat, due to the remarkable intrinsic insulating properties;
• opening to the diffusion of water vapor, which contributes to the construction of breathable buildings with high comfort;
• high capacity to absorb ambient humidity, which constitutes a natural hygrometric regulator system;
• quality guarantee, thanks to continuous checks and tests carried out according to the European standards in force.

Available dimensions

panel dimensions 1200 x 500 mm
thickness (mm) kg/m² kg/panel panels/pallet m²/pallet
22+20 mm ±30 ±18 50 30
22+40 mm ±30 ±18 34 20
22+60 mm ±31 ±18 26 15
22+80 mm ±31 ±19 22 13
22+100 mm ±32 ±19 18 10
22+120 mm ±32 ±19 14 8
22+140 mm ±33 ±19 12 7
22+160 mm ±33 ±20 12 7

• the delivery of the material is normally carried out by lorries, considering the high mass of the pallets it is advisable for the recipient to have suitable equipment and mechanical lifting means with a minimum capacity of 35/40 quintals for unloading the goods;
• it is advisable to deposit the boards overlapping them one on top of the other and in order to keep them in a horizontal position, with square section supports and a minimum spacing of 80 cm;
• the transport of the single slabs must be done by cutting, never horizontally;
• avoid direct exposure to sunlight and adequately cover the material to avoid excessive accumulation of dust;
• the pallets are equipped with an upper protective plate, which must be repositioned each time above the other boards and ballasted at the top to avoid distortion of the plates below it.

Technical characteristics

BetonWood cement bonded particle boards
Characteristics Values
Density kg/m³ 1350
Fire reaction class according to EN 13501-1A2-fl-s1
Thermal conductivity coefficient λD W/(m·K)0,26
Specific heat J/(kg·K)1880
Vapour diffusion resistance μ22,6
Coefficient of linear thermal expansion α 0,00001
Thick swelling after 24h of permanence in water1,5%
Air permeability l/min.m² MPa0,133
Superficial PH value 11
Flexural strength σ (N/mm²) min.9
Transverse tensile strength N (N/mm²) min.0,5
Shear resistance τ (N/mm²) 0,5
Elasticity module Ε (N/mm²)4500
Resistance to distributed load kPa9000
Concentrated load resistance kN9

Technical characteristics

Expanded polystyrene
Characteristics Values
Density kg/m³ 15÷20
Fire reaction class according to EN 13501-1E
Thermal conductivity coefficient λD W/(m·K)0,026÷0,036
Specific heat J/(kg·K)1200
Vapour diffusion resistance μ50÷100
Compression strenght to 10% of compression (kPa) 120÷250

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