The PEFC is an association that constitutes the national governing body of the PEFC certification system (Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes), ie the Evaluation Program of forest certification schemes.
The PEFC is an international initiative based on a broad understanding of the parties involved in the implementation of sustainable forest management at national and regional level. Representatives of forest owners and poplar groves, end consumers, users, freelancers, the world of the wood industry and crafts participate in the development of the PEFC. One of its objectives is to improve the image of silviculture and the forest-wood supply chain, effectively providing a market tool that allows the marketing of wood and forest products deriving from forests and plants managed in a sustainable way.
PEFC is your guarantee that the woody raw material for paper and wood products comes from sustainably managed forests. Certified forests are regularly checked by independent inspectors.
the management and use of forests and forest lands in the forms and at a rate of use that allow to maintain their biodiversity, productivity, capacity for renewal, vitality and potential to fulfill, now and in the future, relevant ecological and economic functions and social at the local, national and global levels, without causing damage to other ecosystems